Vintage Husky Restorations
Before & After Restoration Photo's
1975 Original Condition KX 250
Vintage Husky Restorations has added Vintage Kawasaki's as part of our Racing Group of Bikes. If you have a Vintage KX to sell or Restore give us a call we can bring your KX back to life.
This 1975 KX 250 was Restored by Wayne Davis. Wayne created his KX Orange to match the family Racing Colors using 76 KX Graphics. The 79 swingarm was modified to match the 75 swingarm dimensions for AHRMA rules compliance.
A Racing Unit . This 75 KX400 is a nice addition to the Collection
250 CR Purchase Price $1045.00 New
1970 Kawasaki Centurion
Frame # G31 02540
Engine# G31E02204
Restoration in Progress
1973 Penton 175 Jackpiner Original
Completed 400 Cross Restoration
Just Arrived For Restoration This 73 440
will get a 74.5 GP Frame & All Billet Parts More Pic's to comes of progress
A Pair Of 73's

175 jackpiner
A 400 Cross before Restoration
Custom Billet Swingarm, Modified KX 38mm Forks, Cylinder induction increased to 40mm with 40mm Mikuni. Custom Air Filter Housing with Paper Element.
Restoration Just Completed
1982 430 WR